There are currently 17 Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) operating in Massachusetts. Each provides a formal structure for businesses, developers, commerical and residential buildings within the a defined geographic area to come together in a collective effort to mitigate traffic, improve air quality, and provide access to transportation options beyond the single-occupancy vehicle. TMAs play key role in how communities work together to acomplish their sustainability and economic development goals.
Established in 2014 amid rapid development in the Alewife area, the Alewife TMA was formed to address increased traffic congestion and to provide a forum for members to collaborate to address transportation challenges. The TMA works in partnership with it's member businesses, properties and developers to administer an array of programs that assist employees and residents in choosing sustainable commute modes such as the MBTA, biking, walking, carpooling, vanpooling and private commuter shuttles.
TMA members benefit from:
Contact us to see if your workplace is a participating member of the Alewife TMA.
The Alewife TMA manages three shuttle services in the area. Visit the below webpages to see more information about each shuttle:
We are available Monday thru Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Call (781) 404-5043 to reach the Director
Email us anytime at
Or send us a message via our Contact webpage
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