Earn a prize each month—April, May, and June—just for commuting sustainably!
How It Works:
Take at least 8 green trips per month (that’s just two days a week) and log them into the
Commute Calendar at
What counts as a Green Trip?
Public transit, shuttle, bus, carpool biking, walking, or scootering (just not driving your car alone).
Pick Your Prize!
At the end of each month, those with 8 or more green trips will be contacted to choose a $25 gift card OR take a chance on a mystery prize of equal or greater value, delivered to your home!
Who Can Participate?
Any employee, tenant, or resident who lives or works at an Alewife TMA member property. A list of member properties can be found here.
Be a Superhero!
The program starts on April 1, 2025 and continues every month until June 30, 2025. Complete the challenge all three months and be entered in a grand prize drawing for $200!
Reduce your carbon footprint, save money, reduce traffic, and win exciting prizes!
Ready to be a Commute Hero?
Questions about the program or how to use eCommuter? Contact
Melissa Zampitella
Alewife TMA Director
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