The Alewife TMA distributed more than $11,765 in TripCentives rewards to program participants, many of whom were essential lab and biotech workers commuting to the Alewife area throughout the pandemic. Together, you logged over 9,805 green trips, traveled 75,000 green miles, and saved $34,892 compared to driving alone. Congratulations on a job well done, especially in a year of unprecedented challenges.
Alewife TMA's TripCentives program incentivized commuters for taking stainable travel modes such as biking, walking, public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, or private shuttle services to commute to and from work. The more days a commuter used a green transportation mode, the more money they earned. So, which travel mode was most popular? It's a three-way tie with about 1/3 transit trips, 1/3 bike trips, and a combination of carpooling and walking.
As the year-long program ends, we'd like to give a great big thank you to our funding partners - MassDOT and our participating TMA members:
Most of all, we'd like the thank our green commuters for making a positive impact on traffic congestion and air quality.
We had a great time celebrating at our July 15th after-work virtual event. In this recorded virtual event replay, we highlight the Alewife TMA's impact as a whole and the individual milestones of our green commuters. We kick things off with Melissa Zampitella, Director of the Alewife TMA, to showcase the results of the TripCentives program. Then special guest DJ Rob Blasi, of SMRT fun Trivia, presents awards to the top commuter categories.
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