Incorporating walking into your commuting schedule will have a positive impact on your personal well-being. According to
prevention, the health benefits of walking are endless, and experts agree that by adding walking to your daily routine, you can greatly improve your physical and mental health.
Furthermore, walking instead of driving contributes to a lower carbon footprint and improves traffic congestion.
A walking commute is best suited for those who live within a mile or two from work, but
don’t rule it out even if you live a distance from work. There are ways to incorporate walking into your commuting habits. If walking the whole way is not realistic, you could opt to take your car part of the way and then walk the last mile or so.
Better yet, if you live near transit, you could combine walking with taking the MBTA. On certain days, if you are not in the mood to walk, consider opting for
Bluebikes or riding the
Alewife TMA shuttle to or from Alewife Station. On the other hand, if you want more exercise, you could get off at a station further away and extend your walk. Transit combined with walking is a great way to increase your daily steps.
Cambridge is an excellent city for walking. It is considered one of the most pedestrian friendly cities in the US. It is well served by public transportation, and its mix of housing, stores, services, educational opportunities, workplaces, and parks means that many destinations are within easy walking distance. Every street has sidewalks; and vehicle speed limits are no more than 25 miles per hour (mph), with most areas 20 mph (Cambridge CDD, n.d.).
For more information about walking in Cambridge, visit here.
Start a walking commute today!
Join Alewife TMA’s Summer Walking Challenge and walk you way to numerous prizes!
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