The Alewife TMA recently began an effort to get to know the commuters behind the programs and services that we provide. We recently sat down with Chris Dimitri, a bicycle commuter who regularly participates in the TMA’s monthly commuter challenges, to learn more about him and his commute.
Tell us a bit about yourself
Chris Dimitri: I am a biologist at GSK, located at 200 Cambridgepark Drive. I lead a team that works to identify possible therapeutics. I’ve been at GSK for 7 years and have enjoyed commuting by bike since the company moved to the building in 2017.
What does a typical commute week look like for you?
CD: Whenever possible (weather permitting) I will bike to work. I used to bike alone, then added a Burley trailer as our family grew, and now as the kids are bigger, we use a longtail cargo bike!
Why do you like best about your commute?
CD: The kids love the bike and being outside. The bike commute is fast and avoiding the Rt2/R16 traffic is also great!
What do you like least about your commute?
CD: The cargo bike is great, but stiff and all the uneven pavement on the Minuteman Trail gives quite a few bounces!
How did you learn about the Alewife TMA and what do you like about it?
CD: Through e-mails at work. I enjoy the opportunity to track trips and connect with others. If we ever move further away, I will certainly look to expand my usage of the services.
Do you have a fun or interesting story about your commute you can share with us?
CD: On a morning trip into school/work, we were behind another biker crossing the Alewife Access Rd (off of Rt 2) onto the Fitchburg Cutoff Path toward Belmont. The biker in front crossed the lane to pass a pedestrian at the same time as a biker was approaching the Alewife Access Rd at a high speed and made a wide turn to avoid some of the foliage. Unfortunately, they crashed, and it was not great. It was a reminder that around Alewife, there are multiple blind corners, it is mixed used and can be highly congested.
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